Today, on R U, OK? Day, we remind ourselves of the simple yet powerful question: "Are you OK?"

14 Sep 24

By Dominic Byrne

Single Parent Getting After It

Noah has been keen to speak at an event with me. When Alex asked me to share my mental health journey and tie it to their RUOK Day corporate event, I asked Noah at the dinner table if he wanted to join me. He was all over it, like cheese on a pizza. If you know Evie, she doesn’t want to miss out on anything, so she said, “Me too, guys, I wanna talk!”

It was such a great little project to do together. We discussed the day, collaborated on what we should say, and practised together.

Evie always wanted the option to pull out, which was a great approach to mitigate any pressure, and we could easily manage a change on the day if she didn’t feel comfortable.

I had fireworks going off inside when she was comfortably and calmly reading a blog post to a corporate audience (face to face and online), a post about the day we were recognising and contributing to so positively, a post that her mum had personally written about her vulnerability and support.

It was an added bonus to do this for Arcadia; as I said in the speech, it’s been incredible to watch Arcadia’s journey from its inception with just one person, Alex, to the organisation it is today. Its focus on social responsibility and sensitivity towards culture, connection to country, environmental issues, and events like today around mental health all underscore the fact that the people within the organisation and around it are the focus and nucleus of its success.

Noah and Evie, you were brave, confident, engaged and authentic. Well done, kids!

Please take this day onboard for its genuine purpose. Noah said best:

“The power of connection, empathy, and kindness cannot be underestimated. Today and every day, let’s choose to be there for each other. Let’s create a world where no one feels isolated in their struggles, where reaching out for help is not seen as a weakness but as a courageous act of self-care.

If you’re struggling today, or you enter into an emotional decline tomorrow or next month, know that you are not alone. You don’t have to face your challenges in silence. Reach out. Speak up. Let someone in. There is always hope, even in the darkest of times.

My mum and I were extremely close. We had this super emotional bond with lots of affection and conversation. I was only five when she died, but even at a young age, we talked a lot. I want to continue talking and listening for her, not about Minecraft, fortnight or the NBA-draft, but about feelings and people. I will do my best to keep this going for her as she started a ripple effect that will help many people in my world and the world around me.

Let’s commit to asking, listening, and supporting—not just on R U OK Day, but every day. A simple conversation could change a life. So, let’s be brave enough to ask, strong enough to listen, and kind enough to act.

Thank you. Let’s make today and every day a day of connection, compassion, and care.”

Dom, Evie and Noah

Asking "Are you OK?" is more than just a question. It’s an invitation. An invitation to create a safe space for vulnerability, for honesty, for healing.

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