The path we were on has lead to nowhere. We are in no better position than the original diagnoses in June 2017 or learning of the disease spreading in August. In fact, our situation is much more inauspicious. A little draconian I know, but that’s how it is.
Due to an ongoing adverse reaction to treatment, plagued by pain and suffering, we were forced to have scans earlier than scheduled. Scans always lead to more scans and scan results for us are a punch in the nose. A punch that makes your eyes water, your vision blur and head pound.
Lou has more tumours on her liver. The tumours that were already there are much larger. The primary tumour has doubled in eight weeks.
We’re off the trial because it’s not working.
We’re looking for the next best potential solution and may start something as early as Monday.
We anticipated a couple more weeks before we got to this dead end. It does give us more time to activate the next phase which is a win. Whatever that phase is.
There isn’t anything positive to say today. I’m unapologetic because it’s ok to be on your back. As long as you get back up. We had short odds of the trial being a success and we were mentally prepared for it. We weren’t however prepared for the relentless, unforgiving assault we’re under by Lou’s mutating cells.
We need to lick our wounds and regroup, find a new train line and stoke the engine. Lou’s going through the process of accepting the current situation, a situation harder to digest than a bucket of sand. We all know she will bounce, she always does.
Onward and upward.

Down but not out, just having a breather…
I’m sorry, you haven’t had the outcome you were both hoping for , and I’m sorry that there isn’t a darn thing I can do to help except continue to send positive vibes and lots of love
Sending a large truckload of love and hugs from all of us to you both Lou and Dom.
Also sending a giant-sized fuck you to cancer.
Judy, Marc, Flynn, Henry and Alfie xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi Dominic
We haven’t met and I haven’t seen Louise for about 30 years but she might remember me from primary school days. I’m so sorry to hear of Louise’s diagnosis.
Not sure if the following info is useful at all but thought I’d share in the hope it helps.
My father had tumours in his liver (pancreatic cancer) and they gave him SIR-Spheres to contain their growth and spread which is a type of radiotherapy. I wonder if this is an option for Louise?! Just a thought.
I hope you find an effective treatment option – I have my fingers crossed for you. Please let Louise know my thoughts are with her. Sending strength and positive vibes by the truck load.
Thank you for your blog. My Wife (in Texas) is on the Javelin Parp Medley: Avelumab/Talazoparib. How log were you folks on be before getting off of it? We just can’t find anyone else that is/was doing this trial.