15 Oct 18

By Louise DeCelis

Hi, I'm Lou! A mum, an adventurous spirit, travel lover, family gal, lucky wife, and an unshakable optimist. In 2017, at just 39 I was diagnosed with aggressive Triple Negative Breast Cancer. After a year of treatment, my cancer had metastasized to my Liver and Rib bone, where it currently resides. After experiencing the enormous difference fitness and diet made for my recovery, general health and happiness it’s my mission to share that with women living with a cancer diagnosis, everywhere. Join me as we journey to wellness together!

Have you ever needed a blood transfusion? Do you donate blood regularly? 💉 🌡 If you’re answer to question 2 is no, and you have no medical reason, then just consider for a moment that there was no blood to give me today. Or no blood for your loved ones when they need it.

Blood transfusions come from real human blood. It can’t be manufactured and donations get scarcer all the time. 33% of Australians will need blood in their lifetime. But only 3% give blood each year!!!!

Today I’m back in hospital having a series of blood transfusions. So please, please consider creating a habit of donating blood. If you already do you’re an absolute legend 🙌🏼 and I hope that i got your blood today❣️

And if that didn’t tip you over the edge consider this – Australia needs more than 25,000 donations every.single.week. So get donating people ❣️

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