Dear Noah,
I miss you beautiful boy. I wish I could touch your precious face.
I don’t think you realise how important you are to Evie and your daddy. You have become a little rock for them. In many ways, they are anchored to you and it’s your courage and strength that carries them. You will become aware of this in the proceeding years.
Your enthusiasm for discovery, learning, friendship and life is a catalyst for them both. Your love for school will be a big guiding light for Evie. Be conscious of how much she looks up to you. Be patient, be kind.
I’ve noticed you’ve started thanking your dad for many of the small things he does for you. This appreciation you are learning is a big step in maturity, understanding and gratitude. This means a lot to your dad and me.
You must be proud that a popular news publication picked up and shared the amazing speech you did last year, pretty cool they did this in the week of your birthday. You are So brave. So strong.
I know it’s extremely hard that you can’t get to me. I am with you though, I am the foundation of your strength. I am you. ♥️
We had such an amazing bond. Six years together was not enough time, but it was the best time of my life.
You are a special boy Noah. You have some personality traits that are bubbling to the surface and sculpting you into a boy that I am endlessly proud of.
You are extremely intelligent. You are capable. You are curious. You are becoming self-aware and respectful.
You are an optimistic kid with the brightest of futures.
You are beautiful and you are mine. Forever
Love Mumma. Xxx