1. Dom. I’m still reading. I visit back often to check for updates on how you three are doing. I’m Beth – Louise lived with me and my family for winter months in Minnesota when she was in high school. Keep writing. My heart and mind goes so often to Louise – and then to all of you. Love to you three.

  2. Hi Dom,
    I’m Kris, Scarlett’s mum from daycare. I wanted to reach out as I don’t have your number. Scarlett, Sol, Alejandra and Evie have become quite close at ‘school’ which is great and we are here if we can help, please do reach out if we can. I also wanted to share a story with you… Scarlett told me how she’d been chatting with Evie about her mum and that she was dead and we had long chats about what that means and how we should be there for Evie and help her through this. We also borrowed a book called The Memory Tree from the library which Scarlett chose and it is a really nice book that talks about death in a kid friendly way, Scarlett asks to read it a lot and it makes me think of you and Evie. Evie might like it too. Kris

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