5 Jan 19

By Dominic Byrne

Single Parent Getting After It

Lou had a good few days to finish off 2018, which we’re very grateful for.

She’s struggling right now though.

She has no energy, she’s extremely weak and has non-stop nausea.

Mentally she’s in the basement.

She’s very emotional.

It’s difficult to watch when there isn’t anything you can do make her feel one bit healthier.



  1. You are there and that is what Louise needs. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all more than even and hoping every day for that miracle. Xx

  2. My heart goes out to you all. I am grateful for your posts, if only we could all help. The research Elysia and yourself are doing is beyond remarkable, I am sure your work/information has already helped many other women. Louise is a super woman with infinity strength and power, she is absolutely amazing. I am sending all my support, love and prayers that soon relief and health will come xx

  3. You are with her and that is what she wants and needs. Sending you all love and prayers for that miracle.

  4. I often think, I wish we could help Lou with her pain – just to give her some relief! I wish we could all as a community take some of it to give her some respite…..I wish I could take some of it for her……what a bloody hard time you are going through…strength to you!!

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