Louise DeCelis.
Our princes warrior.

The latest...

Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν

Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν | Ta eis heauton | or “to himself. It is my mission to live a happy a meaningful existence (Eudaimonia) based on the trifecta of virtues. I’m going to use the philosophy of stoicism to achieve this and journaling is going to keep me on track and…


I’ve been accruing a number of goals (50 to be precise) and documenting them in preparation for massaging them into a plan and going after them. In the lead-up to turning 50, it’s my ambition to thread these goals into my daily life. I’m conscious of aging and I’m keen…


Didn’t that happen with ridiculous haste? Born in the family home, on the floor, in 1978, today I wake up in 2023, on an epic family holiday, with two swiftly-growing “big babies.” And me, a 45-year-old rapidly aging man. Mum was rummaging through some dusty old photo albums and sent…

Four Years Departed

Four Years!! It feels like yesterday Noah and Evie gave you goodbye cuddles. I wish you could cuddle them today. You should see them now!! They have grown into beautiful little people, exactly the way you would have wanted. They keep you present every day Lou Lou. They are you. 

Happy New Year!

I’m excited to tackle the proceeding 365 days. I had my first dry Christmas and NYE in about three decades, setting a standard to be HAPPY, STRONG and HEALTHY. The reality in my life is that I’ve lived more years than I have left. It’s a thought that needs to…