Louise DeCelis.
Our princes warrior.

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Some Travel Therapy To Assist With Our Grief

When you’re greaving for a loved one that has been unjustly taken from you, you’re heavy. Your mind is heavy, your heart is heavy and your body is heavy. The anguish is a debilitating weight that slows you down. You can move fast when needed but it requires more effort.…

Dear Evie, Happy Birthday!!

Dear Evie, Today my precious “noonicorn”, you’re five 🖐. You came into this world crying and you’ve never really stopped. 😭😂 You were such a pretty little puffin the minute you wanted out of Mumma’s tummy and you get more beautiful every day. I get emotional just thinking about how…


I thought I would post this song before it blows up on the radio. Adam Levine was one of Lou’s massive crushes. I think he edged out Bradley Cooper and Johhny Knoxville, even if they were combined. Hopefully, I got a run in there somewhere too…… 🤔😉😂 Has Adam pilfered…

It Was All Downhill From Here

People that talk about losing a loved one and grief often mention ‘the year of the firsts’. The first year enduring such a massive loss is likely to be the most difficult, especially as milestones approach. Birthdays. Christmas. Mothers Day. The fast upcoming anniversary of Lou’s passing. I could be…