Louise DeCelis.
Our princes warrior.

The latest...

Cold Ocean Swims For A Month ✅

I committed to a month of cold ocean swims as one of the self-help ingredients in my recipe to get me back to being me. Immersing yourself in the beauty our Sydney harbour and beaches offer is therapy alone. The cold shock to the body is the bonus. For the…

Fathers Day | Sacred Heart

It was an honour to be asked to speak at the Sacred Heart Father’s Day breakfast this morning.  I felt highly nervous putting myself out there but I’m thrilled I did.  The feedback has been really special. 

The Letting Go Technique

I first mentioned this book in July. It’s definitely a winner for me. Here is the mechanism itself explained. It’s about being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it and letting it run its course. Without wanting to make it different or doing anything about it.…