Louise DeCelis.
Our princes warrior.

The latest...

Week Two: Appointments And Firming Up Plan Of Attack

We kicked off with a biopsy on Monday morning (13 August). Three samples were taken from Lou’s ninth rib. One was a standard sample, one for the Immunotherapy Trial and one for the MoST trial. On Tuesday Lou started Radiotherapy. This localised radiation was continued on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and…

Yesterday Was A Bad Day On The Rollercoaster

Yesterday was a bad day on the rollercoaster. Tough, overwhelming, painful and exhausting. I want to tell you all about it but before I do I want to thank every single one of the 502+ people who have shared our post looking for other women like me. It’s unbelievable how…

Recommended Diet

Lou’s Naturapath has recommended she go on the Keto Diet + Red Meat. See attachments: Louise’s Diet – Ketogenic Diet Nutritional Advice Oligo Scan We are also expecting an RGCC test to be conducted this week which will produce an individual profile of both chemotherapeutic drugs and natural substances (including diet) that…