Louise DeCelis.
Our princes warrior.

The latest...

Goal number nine, foot juggling.

Keepie-Uppies!! Why The Hell??

 Why Why Why?? When minutes are so precious, why take time to practice a meaningless activity in a sport I don’t even play? Because it’s not meaningless, it’s an opportunity to keep moving, stay agile, feel young, be healthy, and conquer challenging tasks. This 50-by-50 goal was a tough…

how do i hold my breath for five minutes? follow this guide

How To Hold Your Breath For Five Minutes

I read a bunch of information online and decided to put my trust in this four-week process by Ian Donald (an AIDA master freediving instructor and author). I followed Ian’s c02 and O2 tables pretty much to a tee except I did all my breath holds on land as I…

holding your breath for five minutes

5 Minute Breath Hold | Woo Hoo | Big Goal ✅

I have been enjoying my Wim Hof (WHM) breathing sessions for the past 18 months, they seem to give me increased energy and alertness. There is a feeling of stress reduction, there is something about the controlled hyperventilation that activates the parasympathetic nervous system. The holds can give you a…