Louise DeCelis.
Our princes warrior.

The latest...

How Is Lou Doing And How Is Her Liver?

How is Lou Doing? It’s a question I get asked many times a day. Unfortunately for months now I haven’t been able to give a positive response. In most instances I find myself adding to the answer; “she is doing well considering…” While her physical condition obviously isn’t good, I…

That’s A Hat-rick, Three Good Days Of Improved General Health

Louise has had the best three days in a long long time. She’s battling some lymphedema today which tarnished a reasonably clear side effect run. And towards the end of the day, her mind was carrying the weight of our next treatment move but she looked tip-top and has made some great physical gains since…

A Good Day 😊

Louise had a really good day today. 🤗 It’s the best day I can recall since the 11th of October.  Let me just ask Google how many days that is…………………………………. 77. Boy. That’s waaaaaaaaay too long, 77 days is a very long time to feel like rubbish. Lou had 1.2 litres drained…