Louise DeCelis.
Our princes warrior.

The latest...

Beautiful Girl, It’s Your Birthday

My little beauty. You won’t remember but we used to have these little clashes. You were only three years old but the little mixing pot we both shared of; fire, stubbornness and a pinch of crae-crae was the perfect tiny storm for some mother and daughter friction. Always trivial of…

Mummy’s Proud

I go through these stages where I imagine Lou turning up, just walking through the door at that very moment. “Oh look, kids, mummy is here!!!” The thought of this event might not happen for weeks and then it becomes a daily occurrence again. The grief roller coaster of emotions…

Home Sweet Home

What Lockdown?? Noah, Evie and I left our home for a 10-day road trip on the 24th of June. A scheduled 10 days on the road turned into 107 days of running. The intention was to cruise up the coast to the Goldie and hit all the theme parks to…

Missing Piece

Three years ago in Septemeber 2018,  Lou Lou took Elyisa, Jboy and I to Brisbane to see the Vance Joy concert at the River Stage. On the morning of the concert Louise had a massive panic attack while we were looking for somwhere to have breakfast and commence our exciting…

Father’s Day!

The kids have never slept in their own bed’s. This is Noah and Evie this morning, still dreaming about “candy” and playdates: And this is when they woke up: Lou Lou, I wake up like this every day because of the endless treasures you gifted to me. When do you…