Louise DeCelis.
Our princes warrior.

The latest...

The Letting Go Technique

I first mentioned this book in July. It’s definitely a winner for me. Here is the mechanism itself explained. It’s about being aware of a feeling, letting it come up, staying with it and letting it run its course. Without wanting to make it different or doing anything about it.…

“No I’m not OK”

It’s very true, a conversation can change a life. I love that there’s modern-day awareness of this simple but indispensable need and a national day to support it. We can never do enough to inspire meaningful connections with people who are struggling. Anyone can reach out and ask “Are You…

Find The Positive And Ride It

My life took an unwanted turn in early June. Stupidly I tried to suppress or escape my feelings. Even more stupidly I didn’t reach out for help until I was struggling. It wasn’t until I was close to drowning that I swallowed my pride and asked for help. I’m grateful…