Louise DeCelis.
Our princes warrior.

The latest...

I Cried Today

Someone asked me a few months ago, “when was the last time you cried?” I couldn’t recall. I’ve thought about it a lot and why it’s been so long. Not days, not months, perhaps decades. I’m not proud of it, I think it’s a little strange. The last time I…

Hospital Care Update I Special Hospital Dr. Herzog / Bad Salzhausen

Lou has been in 24-hour medical care with Professor Herzog since the 26th of December. We needed somewhere between treatments that can give Lou the medical support we can’t. The private clinic is in Bad Salzhausen, 55km’s from where our apartment is in Bad Homburg. Lou is in a double room so Lynda, Les…

I’m Keen For The Results Of Lou’s Liver Function Test Today

Lou’s brain has been scrambled since Friday. This has only previously happened when her liver has been overloaded processing the chemotherapy with TACE. It’s been a little over three weeks since her last liver treatment so there wouldn’t be any chemo in her liver now. A simple blood test measures how well…

Struggle Street

Lou had a good few days to finish off 2018, which we’re very grateful for. She’s struggling right now though. She has no energy, she’s extremely weak and has non-stop nausea. Mentally she’s in the basement. She’s very emotional. It’s difficult to watch when there isn’t anything you can do make…

Personalised Cancer Treatment Options For Louise

We’ve commissioned a number of blood and tumour molecular screening/profiling tests over the last six months, with the aim to source potential treatment options for Louise. Tests include: RGCC mOST Foundation One; and OncoDEEP (summaries for the above reports in red + access to the full reports in Lou’s treatment history)…