Single Parent Getting After It

A philosophical perspective of happiness

Happiness | A Philosophical Perspective – Living A Life Of Virtuous Activity In Accordance With Reason

Happiness is multifaceted, and its definition varies depending on context and perspective. If you consult a dictionary, ‘happiness’ is generally described as the experience of positive emotions and a sense of overall well-being and contentment. However, this is just the tip of the iceberg. ‘Happiness’ is a rich and complex term that encompasses a variety…

Eleven Years Old My Boy

Dear Noah, You are blossoming. I have a birds-eye view of your life and it is beautiful to watch, just like you. Two areas in your life are shining bright. Your leadership qualities and your interest and increased love of sport. The combination of these two is powerful. You are developing awareness, working on your…


Ciao Benson!! You had a good run buddy. Lou sourced you when she couldn’t get pregnant with Noah, you filled a solid childless void in our home for several years. You kept Lou company when she was debilitated by migraines. Lou always said you knew she was getting sick, that you could sense the seriousness…

10 Rules For Life

If you search any phrase or question related to Stoicism on the web you’ll land on content that Ryan Holiday’s team has produced. Ryan is an American author, marketer, and entrepreneur known for his work in the fields of Stoicism, marketing, and personal development. Holiday has written a dozen bestselling books, many of which draw…

Neil Davis. Taken in the Anambas Islands, Indonesia, in 1979, covering the plight of Vietnamese refugees from the Communist regime.

One Crowded Hour

After 10 years without reading a single book I started reading again in July last year when my sister recommended I read something that would help me out of an acute mental rut, which it did. I read a couple of additional self-help books after that, then Dad gifted me a book for Christmas that…

Antoninus Pius, What An Emperor, What A Dad!

I’ve been dropping Marcus Aurelius’s name a bit lately. Marcus was a Roman Emperor who ruled from 161 to 180 AD. He faced numerous trials during his reign, including wars, a plague, political disputes, and personal hardships. Marcus engaged in regular self-reflection, as evidenced by his “Meditations,” in which he explored his own thoughts, actions,…

“Dad, You Colour My Life!”

I’m not all that fussed about Father’s Day and days alike. But if the history of it’s invention is true then I love its origin. Supposedly, Sonora Smart Dodd began campaigning for the creation of the day. Sonora was one of six children raised by their single Father and Civil War veteran – William Jackson…


Habits have an impact on every aspect of our lives and to a certain extent they define who we are. Habits play a primary role in our energy levels, sleep patterns, our physical and emotional strength. Habits shape how we respond to decisions and events. Our good habits will aid our personal development and support…

Gav, Sheree, Simon, Dom, Hamish after Convict 100 44k Race

Convict 100 Mountain Bike Race

Super fun morning racing The Convict 100,  one of Australia’s longest-running mountain bike marathons in the township of St. Albans. The course follows the historic Convict Trail through the Hawkesbury Valley, with some cracking scenery while smashing up rugged fire trails and rocky descents. I dug deep today and pushed super hard. I was pumped…

Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν

Τὰ εἰς ἑαυτόν | Ta eis heauton | or “to himself. It is my mission to live a happy a meaningful existence (Eudaimonia) based on the trifecta of virtues. I’m going to use the philosophy of stoicism to achieve this and journaling is going to keep me on track and make me accountable. Journaling is…


I’ve been accruing a number of goals (50 to be precise) and documenting them in preparation for massaging them into a plan and going after them. In the lead-up to turning 50, it’s my ambition to thread these goals into my daily life. I’m conscious of aging and I’m keen to hang onto my youth…


Didn’t that happen with ridiculous haste? Born in the family home, on the floor, in 1978, today I wake up in 2023, on an epic family holiday, with two swiftly-growing “big babies.” And me, a 45-year-old rapidly aging man. Mum was rummaging through some dusty old photo albums and sent me the image above just…

Four Years Departed

Four Years!! It feels like yesterday Noah and Evie gave you goodbye cuddles. I wish you could cuddle them today. You should see them now!! They have grown into beautiful little people, exactly the way you would have wanted. They keep you present every day Lou Lou. They are you. 

Happy New Year!

I’m excited to tackle the proceeding 365 days. I had my first dry Christmas and NYE in about three decades, setting a standard to be HAPPY, STRONG and HEALTHY. The reality in my life is that I’ve lived more years than I have left. It’s a thought that needs to be turned into action so…