Today Our Hearts Break

Today our hearts break, some into shattered irreparable pieces. We’ll live another day but forever with a void gauged from our hearts. You’re at peace now Beautiful Warrior. Watch over Noah and Evie wherever you rest. I will ensure they continue to grow into special people, just like their “mumma”. I said on the day we…

Sisters United

It was great to see Elysia arrive safely this morning. I stayed in bed with Lou until Elysia’s taxi dropped her off at the clinic. It would have been a beautiful commute with fresh snow in the villages and farmland between Frankfurt airport and Bad Salzhausen. I hold Lou’s and all night. (she would not let me do that…

I Cried Today

Someone asked me a few months ago, “when was the last time you cried?” I couldn’t recall. I’ve thought about it a lot and why it’s been so long. Not days, not months, perhaps decades. I’m not proud of it, I think it’s a little strange. The last time I recall tears on my face…

26 Days In Germany

We’re closing in on a month in Germany, I’m honestly not sure if the time has gone fast or slow. Being in a foreign country, a place I’ve never previously visited, a place with much to do and see but it’s somewhat of a blur. On occasions, you get a minute to appreciate some architecture, heritage, the…

Guten Morgan

It’s only 8pm in Frankfurt but the kids and Lou have been out for an hour. It’s blissfully quiet. Just that very faint hotel murmur, humming somewhere unidentifiable in the background. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to be waking in my own home right now, getting Noah dressed in his budgies so he…


Dear family and friends, the time has come for us to ask for your help. The community that you have created around us is phenomenal. It’s nurturing, energising, committed, sympathetic, and full of an immeasurable amount of love. It’s more than we could have ever hoped for. Having this village behind us has carried us…

Fundraiser For Lou!

When we started this blog on the 11th August we never expected we’d be posting about raising funds for Lou. We also never expected that chemotherapy, surgery, radiation, more chemo, more radiation and immunotherapy wouldn’t work either. With the ongoing expense of fighting cancer now outweighing our diminishing income. We’re overcoming pride and asking for help.…

Sandakan Death March

11/October/2018 In two weeks, if Lou is in satisfactory health with her current treatment plan, I’m going on a journey. My dad, brother and I are going to be rafting, trekking and bike riding The Borneo jungle, Coast to Coast. When cancer becomes your life, it helps to relate other peoples struggles to your own. There…

My Tidal Thoughts

Your brain covers a lot of distance in many different directions when mortality is on your doorstep. I truly believe Lou will be around much longer than the ominous sentence most pundits prescribe. But when time is an unknown, it keeps your brain humming. If you knew you had months, years or decades, you would…


Three days ago, I had a full-blown panic attack in the middle of a crowded flight that had only just taken off, trolleys blocking both my ways out. I knew it was coming. It started with shortness of breath, a warm feeling crawling up all my limbs, nausea, shoes kicked off, sweating, panic, heart pounding…

A Compliment For Louise

So yesterday at our Immunotherapy kick-off meeting,  Professor Kefford gave Lou a quality compliment. Not bad coming from someone who has been working with cancer and treating cancer patients with chemotherapy, radiation and Immunotherapy, from before Lou was born. “I’ve been doing this job for forty years and haven’t seen anyone that looks as good as you do for…

Never Ever Give Up, Never

I thought I’d share a personal email I sent Lou at the beginning of this cancer journey. Umm yep, I send my wife emails that are non-work/admin related. Somehow my keyboard knows what to say when my mouth doesn’t.  If it wasn’t for modern comm’s technology (SMS, email, social etc) I may well be classified…